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序号 名称 出版日期 出版社和书号或期刊名称、刊号、期号 检索 第一作者
1 Research   on Parallel Dynamic Encryption Transmission Algorithm on VoIP 2018.5 Information   Science and System, 2018,5(1) EI 房爱东
2 Information   Dissemination Analysis Using a Time-Weight Null Model: A Case Study of Sina   Micro-Blog 2018.11 ACCESS,   2018,6(1):71181-71193 SCI 张志伟
3 A   Triad Percolation Method for Detecting Communities in Social Networks 2018.11 Data   Science Journal, 2018, 17(30):1-12 EI 张志伟
4 Hydrogeochemical   Characteristics of Shallow Groundwater in The Sulin Coal-mining District, Northern   Anhui Province, China and Its Significance 2018.11 Fresenius   Environmental Bulletin, 2018, 27 (11):7853-7862 SCI 邱慧丽
5 Recommended   Items Rating Prediction based on RBF Neural Network Optimized by PSO   Algorithm 2018.3 International   Journal of Circuits, Systems and Signal Processing, 2018, 12:580-586 EI 谈成访
6 Context-Aware   Personalized Recommendation for Mobile Users 2018.9 IPPTA:   Quarterly Journal of Indian Pulp and Paper Technical Association, 2018, 30(2):   146-151 EI 谈成访
7 Behavior   Prediction of Mobile User Based on Context Similarity 2018.1 International   Journal of Circuits, Systems and Signal Processing, 2018,12,118-122 EI 谈成访
8 Human   health risk assessment of trace elements in shallow groundwater of the   Linhuan coal-mining district, Northern Anhui Province, China 2018.1 Human   and Ecological Risk Assessment: An International Journal, 2018, 24   (5):1342-1351 SCI 邱慧丽
9 Composing   Characteristics of Hydrogen and Oxygen Isotopes and Tracing of Hydrological Cycle   in Mid-layer Groundwater Within Coal Mining Area, Northern Anhui Province, China 2018.1 Fresenius   Environmental Bulletin, 2018, 27(1):559-566 SCI 邱慧丽
10 A   Real-time Text Pattern Recognition Method in Complex Scenes Based On Deep   Convolutional Neural Networks 2018.6 Journal   of Engineering. 2018; 21(2) SCI 房爱东
11 Improvement   of DV-Hop Algorithm Based on RSSI Ratio Correction 2018.5 International   Journal of Online Engineering. 2018, 14(5):159-171 EI 杨小莹
12 基于局部熵的边缘检测算子选择算法 2018.8 南京理工大学学报. 2018,42(4):424-429 CSCD 凌军


序号 名称 出版日期 出版社和书号或期刊名称、刊号、期号 检索 第一作者
1 Fog computing   perception mechanism based on throughput rate constraint in intelligent   Internet of Things 2019.7 Personal   and Ubiquitous Computing, 2019,23:561-573 SCI 姜飞
2 Multi-kernel   SVM based multi-feature fusion algorithm for analyzing wastewater membrane   permeation in environmental pollution 2019.9 Desalination   and Water Treatment, 2019, 163(9):415-420. SCI 房爱东
3 Research   on the Structure and Practice of Internet Environment of Things Based on Big   Data Analysis 2019.2 Computers,   Networks & Communications, 2019,28(107):4239-4247 SCI 房爱东
4 An   opportunistic routing strategy based on network coding in multi-speed   processing environment 2019.10 the   2019 International Conference, 2019,17(19):211-216 EI 房爱东
5 Agricultural   Vehicle Automatic Driving System Based on Multi-source Information Fusion and   Remote Steering 2019.11 Agriculture   Week, 2019,36(6): 1756-1769 SCI 卢彪
6 Agricultural   Image Defogging Based on Wavelet Analysis 2019.5 Agriculture   Week, 2019,36(2):497-503 SCI 陈黎黎
7 A   multipath routing protocol using congestion control in wireless multimedia   sensor networks 2019.8 Peer -   to - Peer Networking and Applications, 2019,12(6):1585-1593 SCI 于子甲
8 Deep   Potential Geo-Social Relationship Mining for Point-of-Interest Recommendation 2019.7 IEEE   Access, 2019,7:99496-99507 SCI 潘正高
9 Design   and Development of Smart fishing Poles using ICT enabled systems 2019.1 Int.   J. of Information and Communication Technology, 2019,14(1):46-57 EI 辛政华
10 Marc:   Multi-Granular Representation Learning for Networks Based on the 3-Clique 2019.12 Journal   of Engineering, 2019, (1):141715-141727 SCI 辛政华
11 A   method for evaluating management capability of workshop production scheduling 2019.4 Advances   in Mechanical Engineering, 2019, 11(4):1-8 SCI 董全德
12 Integrating   Social Homophily and Network Lasso for Personalized Sentiment Classification 2019.1 IEEE   Access, 2019,7:7296-7300 SCI 董全德
13 Extracting   Emotional Units based on POS Templates 2019.9 International   Journal of Performability, 2019,14(2): 357-362 EI 潘正高
14 SOC   Estimation Optimization Method Based on Parameter Modified Particle Kalman   Filter Algorithm 2019.5 Cluster   Computing. 2019,22(3):6009-6018 SCI 张守震


序号 名称 出版日期 出版社和书号或期刊名称、刊号、期号 检索 第一作者
1 Video   clip recommendation model by sentiment analysis of time-sync comments 2020.5 Multimedia   Tools and Applications, 2020, 79:33449-33466 SCI 潘正高
2 A Face   Detection Method Based on Image Processing and Improved Adaptive Boosting 2020.7 Traitement   du Signal, 2020,37(3):395-403 SCI 张万礼
3 Service   Pricing and Selection for IoT Applications Offloading in the Multi-Mobile   Edge Computing Systems 2020.8 Computer   Technology Journal, 2020, 8, 153862-153871 SCI 张万礼
4 Competition   of Duopoly MVNOs for IoT Applications through Wireless Network Virtualization 2020.5 Wireless   Communications and Mobile Computing, 2020, 1-11 SCI 张万礼
5 V2V   Routing in VANET Based on Heuristic Q-Learning 2020.10 International   Journal of Computers Communications & Control, 2020,15(5) SCI 杨小莹
6 The   location tracking and intelligent street lighting control system based on the   RFID and Zigbee for energy 2020.8 International   Journal of Electrical Engineering Education, 2020: 002072092094444. SCI 辛政华
7 Optimization   Setting Sitorized Resources in Cloud Computing Environment Applied in Marine   Systems 2020.6 Journal   of Coastal Research, 2020,115, 24-26 SCI 李雪竹
8 Dual   Implicit Mining-Based Latent Friend Recommendation 2020.5 IEEE   Transactions on Systems, Man, ang Cybernetics: Systems, 2020, 50(5):   1663-1678 SCI 崔琳